Tuesday, 2 July 2013

I've been told....

....to start posting 'bouquets of flowers', so not to disappoint too much, let me go back to when I started taking photo's of what's in bloom in the garden this year, which was in June. Up till then there wasn't really that much flowering. This year we have had the longest winter I can remember. On the upside, when the weather warmed up we had daffodils, tulips, aquilegias, grape hyacinths, geums, alliums and apple blossom all competing to put on a great show. 

My mum sent me tulips from Holland last year. Queen of Night was an absolute stunner. Probably the darkest tulip available. They flowered for weeks, even now the leaves haven't died back yet in the tubs.

Up close you can seen how it looks like a true black and deserves the name Queen of Night.

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